Its hard to believe just a week ago I was wearing my fur coat in Canada and now I am back in Honduras trying to keep cool! Although I definitely prefer the warmer temperatures of Honduras, it was so great to be back with my family and friends in Canada. Sometimes it feels like I live 2 separate lives. When I think about it, its amazing that I'm able to adapt to both "lives" so easily.
In Honduras I am trying to keep cool in the day and keep warm in the night and in Canada I am trying to keep warm during the day and am comfortable at night in my heated home.
In Honduras I see Latin American people and hear Spanish wherever I go; in Canada I keep seeing white people and thinking I should know all of them because they speak the same language as me.
In Honduras I am either running to the nearest "pulperia" (little street store) or boiling water to meet my water needs; in Canada I just turn on the tap and there it is- just like that!
In Honduras I am constantly on the lookout for a taxi to take me to where I need to go; in Canada I step outside and there is a car ready for me right on my driveway.
In Honduras I am praying during most of my taxi trips for safety; in Canada I can drive in peace, and still feel safe even if my attention is somewhat divided.
In Honduras it's not very safe to walk anywhere without a friend by my side; in Canada its an added bonus to be walking alongside a friend.
In Honduras I am always early; in Canada I am often late.
In Honduras my friends of 5 months have become my family; in Canada I am surrounded with people who have loved me my entire life.
Anyway.... I could go on and on.. but its crazy to reflect on how different my life is in both countries and how God has given me the capacity to adapt so well in both countries. I feel like my time in Honduras has really changed my perspective on a lot of things. I feel as if I am a lot more flexible and open-minded about things than I ever was in the past. Things are not always so black and white, and I think there is a lot that both the Latin American and North American cultures could learn from one another.
I am so thankful to God for all my new experiences here in Honduras and also for all the dear people back at home in Canada who love me and support me. I feel so blessed!