Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Stressful week...

To be honest, I had a really stressful week. It seemed like the longest week of work ever- probably because it was the first 5 day week since... well since awhile. Also, we had a Spiritual Emphasis week meaning we had a 45 minute assembly every morning. As great as it was, my students didn't respond well to the change of schedule which meant it was a challenging week for me!

So in the midst of a difficult week I've decided to think of the good things that happened that helped me make it through!
  1. A word wall word this week was "was". I have the students write them in sentences each week. This is Gerardo's sentence: "The Miss from Kinder was very pretty."
  2. Hearing some of the street boys from Micah project share part of their stories at a Spiritual Emphasis assembly and seeing how our students responded
  3. Getting my first apple as a gift from my student Orquidea.
  4. Getting random love notes left on my desk from students
  5. 3 girls offering to stay in for recess to organize all of our classroom books!
  6. Italian food for Jen Alderette's birthday and a ride home in a bolsitto for all of us gringos
  7. A formal American thanksgiving dinner at a beautiful hotel in the city.
  8. Seeing Mr. Greene freestyle dance for 5 minutes at the same dinner
  9. Having a fall party at Jen, Julienne, Sarah, and Paula's house with lots of delicious fall treats!
  10. Relaxing outside in the warm sun and listening to a sermon from my home church
Me & Aurora, the Bible teacher of my students
At the Thanksgiving Dinner on Friday night
Alright, now this past week doesn't sound as bad as I thought it was! I thank the Lord for giving me the strength to make it through this past week and for always giving me a reason each day to experience joy even in difficult circumstances!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

La Tigra

On Friday night, my roomates, Nichole & Kaitlyn, Leslie Jones, and Lauren Manting headed up to La Tigra in the mountains and stayed at a bed and breakfast place for the night. The place is gorgeous and the view from the cabin was remarkable! What a relaxing and peaceful weekend after a busy week of school! 
Stairs leading up to our cabin

Inside of our cabin! These comforters were so warm which was great because the night was cool and rainy!

Kaitlyn looking out at the beautiful view on the porch of our cabin.

The gorgeous view from the cabin we stayed in!

Where we ate dinner and breakfast. This was the view from the eating area! Gorgeous!

The 5 of us who went!

A taste of Honduran countryside on our walk in an old mining community

On Saturday morning we walked about 2 hours to get to the bottom of the mountain and then hitchiked (first time!) in the back of a pick up truck to Valle where we spent the day looking around and shopping at all the markets there.
A great weekend after a busy and somewhat stressful week in the city.