Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Stressful week...

To be honest, I had a really stressful week. It seemed like the longest week of work ever- probably because it was the first 5 day week since... well since awhile. Also, we had a Spiritual Emphasis week meaning we had a 45 minute assembly every morning. As great as it was, my students didn't respond well to the change of schedule which meant it was a challenging week for me!

So in the midst of a difficult week I've decided to think of the good things that happened that helped me make it through!
  1. A word wall word this week was "was". I have the students write them in sentences each week. This is Gerardo's sentence: "The Miss from Kinder was very pretty."
  2. Hearing some of the street boys from Micah project share part of their stories at a Spiritual Emphasis assembly and seeing how our students responded
  3. Getting my first apple as a gift from my student Orquidea.
  4. Getting random love notes left on my desk from students
  5. 3 girls offering to stay in for recess to organize all of our classroom books!
  6. Italian food for Jen Alderette's birthday and a ride home in a bolsitto for all of us gringos
  7. A formal American thanksgiving dinner at a beautiful hotel in the city.
  8. Seeing Mr. Greene freestyle dance for 5 minutes at the same dinner
  9. Having a fall party at Jen, Julienne, Sarah, and Paula's house with lots of delicious fall treats!
  10. Relaxing outside in the warm sun and listening to a sermon from my home church
Me & Aurora, the Bible teacher of my students
At the Thanksgiving Dinner on Friday night
Alright, now this past week doesn't sound as bad as I thought it was! I thank the Lord for giving me the strength to make it through this past week and for always giving me a reason each day to experience joy even in difficult circumstances!


  1. Two thanksgivings! Pays to be a Canadian hanging out with lots of Americans apparently! We got the house Jen :) Hopefully it's clean and painted by the time you get home...

  2. Nice blog update Jen. Love your picture... you look so nice. Glad things picked up for you a bit.
    Love you,
