Saturday, August 28, 2010

Only in Honduras

So as I have been here in Honduras for over two weeks now I have noticed that there are some things that happen here that would just never happen back at home... like...

1. drinking pop out of a bag

2. paying money to go to a public bathroom

3. having your school flooded by a severe thunderstorm

4. being unexpectedly DRENCHED from a random rainstorm on a casual walk in the neighbourhood

5. having a taxi squeeze into very tiny spaces in order to avoid traffic and accidents

6. listening to our neighbours sing Kareoke at the top of their lungs until 3 in the morning

7. finding a gecko in your house

8. hosting a birthday party for a student including a meal, cake, and huge goodybag for everyone

9. hiding money in unusual places when going out in public

10. getting stared at by everyone

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have started a blog Jen! Can't wait to read more about your time in Honduras!
    ~ Carolyn xoxo!
